Monday, February 23, 2009

'Tweet'ing News!

After following all the Twitter-related stuff on Techcrunch, I finally took the plunge and signed up for the hugely popular microblogging service. Actually, to call it a 'service' would be a bit wrong! For it's not a service that you'd use, it's actually your life in small, byte-sized chunks! Be it sharing what you're doing right now - dining out at that Italian restaurant, or watching Slumdog bag eight Oscars - or sharing your opinions on the latest music, or just 'tweeting' about nothing in particular, people use Twitter to broadcast to anyone who'd care to follow what's going on in their lives at any given instant of time. I used to wonder why would anyone be interested in what I'm eating, or doing, or watching, but having used the service for just a day or two, I'm hooked! Yes, the service is very addictive, and questions like 'who'd be interested' can only cross the mind of someone who's not 'been-there-done-that' so to say. Within the first few hours of using Twitter, I found myself using the service as a virtual diary of sorts. Yes, a diary to record snippets of your day, week in small chunks. The best part is that I can do it unobtrusively, and the 140-character limitation actually is a blessing in disguise. Often when I sit down to write a post, the so-called 'Writer's Block' takes over, and I don't know what to write and how to write. There're so many thoughts swirling through the mind. No such thing with Twitter. Just a few words, and you're done! Well, I'll stop rambling on about Twitter and what I feel about it. Be sure to check out the site if you haven't yet done so. For those who're active 'Twitter'ers, feel free to write on what you feel about the site in the comments. 

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